Steve's XP Legacy Games Corner - Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers (CD-ROM version)
This is the third and I hope final attempt to get GK1 up and running on all
those modern Windows machines out there... with voices! The two previous attempts have involved:
- Installing as a Windows programme, with a lot of hacks to get the saved games
- Copying the contents of the GK1 CD to the hard drive, and using DOSBox
in conjunction with a lot of tweaks to the GK1
Fortunately, the new approach revolves around running the game directly from
the CD (using the DOSBox mount command for a CD-ROM), and is a lot
simpler than either of the former attempts. On some machines though, you need low
level CD-ROM support enabled for DOSBox to be able to recognise labels correctly
(thus the extra parameters: -usecd 0 -ioctl in
the CD-ROM mount command below). That is all that has changed since the
last round of instructions, so those of you who were previously having problems
swapping CDs, or getting it to recognise the CD at all should give it another go! Two
readers who were previously having problems in this area independently confirmed that
it works :-) Ok, here goes:
- Download and install the latest version of DOSBox.
Get the Win32 installer version, which at the time
of writing was called:
- Wherever you installed DOSBox to, go there and edit the file
dosbox.conf , replacing the section at the very bottom of the
file (Note: if your CD-ROM drive letter is 'E:', then substitute 'E:' for the 'D:'
below) with the following:
# Lines in this section will be run at startup.
mount D D:\ -t cdrom -usecd 0 -ioctl
mount C C:\
Another note: you have to get that exactly right, so it's best just to copy and paste
right out of this web page and into the dosbox.conf file using Notepad or
a text editor. While you're in that file, you should also set: fullscreen=true
(it's set to false by default) and cycles=max .
- Open a Command Prompt (Start
-> All Programs ->
Accessories -> Command Prompt) and switch to the folder where you
installed DOSBox (for instance: cd \Program Files\DOSBox-0.72 ).
Start up DOSBox by entering:
When DOSBox starts up enter:
And finally:
Now...sometimes the Directory to install to comes up blank. With earlier versions of DOSBox,
the Directory to install to came up defaulted to: C:\SIERRA\GKCD . However, when it
asks you for Directory, if you just enter:
(in other words, leave off the leading 'C:\'), that should do the trick! Then on the options
review page, you should be installing GK1 with the following (default) options:
Graphics : VESA
Music: Sound Blaster Pro
Audio: Sound Blaster
Directory: C:\SIERRA\GKCD
- Choose the
(f)ull install, and answer (y)es to copy
the high resolution art (Note: I get an error message after this, but it seems to
have no noticeable after-effects).
- Back at the DOSBox prompt, type:
- In the
C:\SIERRA\GKCD folder, use Notepad or some other text editor
to edit the RESOURCE.CFG file. You should have the following in there as
a result of the install:
videoDrv = VESA.DRV
soundDrv = SBPRO.DRV
joyDrv = NO
cmd = GKCD
mouseDrv = none
memoryDrv = none
minmemory = 2M
smartdrv = YES
mode = protected
- IMPORTANT: replace the last line with:
- Start up DOSBox again, and enter the following 2 commands after it starts up:
cd \sierra\gkcd
...and we're away!
If the voices aren't working for you or the audio is skipping, you
can run the game in VGA mode instead of VESA. In that case, you only need to make the following
- In
RESOURCE.CFG , change videoDrv = VESA.DRV to: videoDrv = VGA.DRV
and remove the audiosize=45k line.
Hopefully, some combination of the above should get GK1 working for you in modern versions of Windows.
Copyright © Steve Metzler 2008. All rights reserved.
See also the Help! page
for links to additional help in getting games to run.