Q. Can I venture outside the marcher?
A. Presumably you've paid a visit to the Dressing Room. There were spacesuits there (Persy suits), but no
helmets. However, you should also have encountered the following alchemical recipe by now:
> recall vacuum-protection (found in Nave Crawlway, look through oculus)
"MULDOON'S POTION, for SURVIVAL in VACUUM: This potion is a staple of marcher work, for
it permits one to walk freely in Hadean lands for up to six hours. Fortunately the procedure is
simple. Prepare an exhilarant environment and a measure of saline. Begin with a sealing word
of passivity. Add highlime to the beaker; follow with the Anodyne Evocation and the Greater
Phlogistical Saturation."
For the exhilarant environment:
> recall facts
> recall lecture on aromas
You dimly recall taking notes on the uses of aroma in alchemy. Perfumes influence a ritual by
adding elemental principles of the atmosphere. You might open an impet of ginger essence for a
fiery ritual, or mint essence for a cooling effect. Citronelle is strengthening, seaweed has...
something to do with breath... it was a tedious lecture.
You can perform this ritual in the Secondary Alchemy lab. The procedure seems straightforward enough,
but just in case: Click here to show/hide ritual steps
> open kelp
> put saline in bound
> recite phlegmatic sealing (found in Chasm, at Bridge, look through oculus)
> put highlime in beaker
> recite anodyne evocation
> recitegreater phlogistical saturation
> close kelp
Now that you have the means to breath in vacuum... there are actually three places on the Retort
that you can get outside from:
- North Arcade (through the window)
- Portico (through the window)
- Airlock (but only after you've revived Pneuma)
Two of these require some way to get through the glass, and that would be:
> recall glass permeability (found in Junior Quarters, locker sealed with white-fuse)
"TO RENDER GLASS PERMEABLE TO MATTER: Select a chime in the key of F sharp. Invoke a
Helian environment (the aspect of the Sun). Place the chime into the bound; speak a simple
sealing. Sprinkle pure sand onto the chime; vocalize a resonant tone; strike the chime, and
conclude with a Relative Anima. Once the chime is invested, one need merely strike it again and
embed it into a pane of glass. The chime's vibrations will permit it entry, and the entire pane
will then be semi-fluid for as long as the chime resonates. But only attempt this with simple, flat
sheets of glass - curved glass has irregular vibrational modes, and the tuning will fail."
That seems simple enough, but there's a complication: the bronze F-sharp chime that you require is on the end
of a slab that's hanging over the edge of the chasm :-\ But, not to worry. Where there's a will there's usually a
ritual for it:
> recall metal attractor (found in Exoscaphe, cabinet sealed with white-fuse)
"A TALISMAN TO ATTRACT METALS: A common lodestone will attract iron, but to exert
influence on other metals requires alchemical preparation. Begin with a Saturnine environment,
and a bound containing a chime tuned to the desired metal. (Metal chimes are preferred, as
glass may be insufficient to the strain.) Use a simple sealing. Surround the chime with zafranum,
and immediately ignite this. Vocalize a resonant tone to prime the metal, and then strike it
(without removing it from the bound!) Use the Mediate Anima to set the vibration. Once the
ritual is complete, striking the chime will attract all nearby objects of the given substance."
We need to find another bronze chime. The one you want is the B-natural chime in the Arcade
Crawlspace, Flooded (be careful not to take the torch-lighter with you when you go there, though! :-) The rest of
the ingredients are no problem to obtain either. So to make the metal attractor:
Click here to show/hide ritual steps
> put horn coin on shelf
> put b chime in bound (practice makes perfect. You'll be dealing with two bronze
chimes soon enough, and you don't want to confuse them)
> recite simple sealing
> put zafranum in bound
> ignite zafranum with torch-lighter
> recite resonant tone
> strike b chime
> recite mediate anima (found in Deck Suite, locked cabinet)
> take b chime
> take horn coin
Let's go retrieve that pesky F-sharp chime now:
> go to edge of chasm
> s
> strike b chime
The bronze B chime emits a sharp, eager thrum.
The bronze F-sharp chime vibrates in response. It rolls across the slab and leaps into your hand.
Don't you just love it when a plan comes together? OK, first thing to do is drop the B chime right here
as we no longer need it, and carrying it around only serves to complicate things:
> drop b chime
Next we gather the brass coin (rayed sun, Helian environment) and sand that we need for
the glass permeability ritual, and head for the Nave again:
Click here to show/hide ritual steps
> put brass coin on shelf
> put chime in bound
> recite simple sealing
> pour sand on chime
> recite resonant tone
> strike chime
> recite relative anima (found in Deck Suite, locked cabinet)
> take chime
> take brass coin
So now are nearly ready to venture outside. First things first, though: you need to drop anything
that might shatter in a vacuum! That means the torch-lighter, and any flasks you are carrying around.
Now make your way to the Portico and save your game. Then:
> drink vacuum-protection
> strike chime
> put chime in window
Click here to show/hide
spoilers concerning what you find outside the Retort
> e
You press your fingers against the glass. You feel a steady vibration... and a yielding, as the glass
slides through your flesh. It's rather unnerving, and you push the rest of your body through as
quickly as possible.
The vacuum plucks at your clothing for a moment, but the only other sensation is a nagging
dryness in your sinuses. Very strange.
Hadean Plain
You stand at the edge of a Hadean land now. Grey lifeless dust crunches soundlessly beneath
your feet. The sky is black; the stars are glorious. And you have no more protection than the
potion you drank.
Behind you are the comforting walls of the Retort. The airlock is a heavy circular door in the
south wall; it is closed. To the west, you can see the broad window of the portico. But to the
north and east, the Hadean plain stretches away towards jagged foothills.
Your first Venture walk. You're a real marchman now, aren't you, swabbie?
The chime will only allow you to breach one window at a time before you need to recharge it. And for your
own sake, don't pull it out of the window from this side or you won't be able to get back inside :-\ If you want
to visit the Exoscaphe Bay (hint: there's something out there that you need in order to complete the game) via the
other window in the North Arcade, you'll need to perform the glass permeability ritual again. But your vacuum
protection should still be intact. Six hours is a long time in a text parser game. I think it will last you till
your next reset no matter how many moves you make. Anyway, there's plenty of exploring to be done out here. So
get to it, swabbie!
to the main walkthrough