
Q. How can I gain access to the Barosy?
A. If you go to Grand Stair, Bottom and take note of this excerpt from the description:

...The Barosy lies to the east, through a narrow iron gate with a brass lock...

We should have found something on our travels that can work wonders with brass mechanisms. Do you remember what it is? Well...

> recall clock tincture (found in Exoscaphe, cabinet sealed with white-fuse)
"WINFIELD'S CLOCK TINCTURE (to repair or realign clockwork): This ritual requires an
environment of precision and order. Place a measure of alum into the bound, and perform the
Sealing of Shamash. Add perfect mud; speak a syllable of counterbalance; add sublime spirit,
then a token of brass. Conclude with the Major Animus. The resulting potion embodies
perfection in brass, and will induce perfection in any brass mechanism it touches."

Note that: "The resulting potion embodies perfection in brass, and will induce perfection in any brass mechanism it touches." Yeah, it's a bit of a stretch to make that association, but I think it's the only way we're going to get that brass lock open :-\ First we'll need to make perfect mud:

> recall perfect mud (found in Deep Stacks, look through oculus)
"THE SYNTHESIS of JACKSON-MUD (a perfect balance of elemental earth and water): Begin
with a medium of simple sand, and the Hermetic sealing. Invoke the
Crystalline Tempering. Add one of the pure elements to the retort, and speak
the word of entension; then add the other, and speak the word of emulgence."

That requires elemental earth, and elemental water, which you can find in the Observatory. So to make perfect mud: Click here to show/hide ritual steps

And we also need to make sublime spirit, the recipe of which can be found in the Observatory Alcove, South:

> recall sublime spirit
"THE SYNTHESIS of SUBLIME SPIRIT (the eighth distilled essence of mineral oil): Place mineral
oil and nickel into a retort. (Thin pieces of nickel are best, as the surface area must be large.)
Invoke the sealing, followed by a word of entension (to prevent the oil from igniting). Introduce
elemental fire into the retort to begin the distillation. You may then easily extract the desired

The instructions state: "Thin pieces of nickel are best, as the surface area must be large." So I ran the nickel rod through the wire-drawer first. You can create the elemental fire easily too:

> perform gold ignition

Then we can make the sublime spirit: Click here to show/hide ritual steps

That does it, but note that we have de-phlogisticated the gold rod in the process. Oh well. But now we can finally perform the clock tincture synthesis ritual. You can use the brass pin as a token, and that thick key from the kiln you're always carrying around is perfect for creating an orderly environment. Click here to show/hide ritual steps

Now we can head back to the Barosy gate and gain entry:

> go to grand stair bottom
> pour clock tincture on lock
> e

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