Q. How can I open the locked Deck Suite cabinet?
A. As always, the first thing we do is take a closer look at this cabinet:
> x cabinet
The cabinet is a squarish compartment of some anonymous alloy. It is locked with an Aithery
File lock.
Hey, didn't we find a mold for an Aithery File seal (badge) somewhere? Yeah, it was in the
Medical Workroom. If you've already been in the Medical Wing, you should have taken this with you.
If not, you'll have to reset and visit there again. Go ahead, I'll just wait here till you get back...
So what could we put into this mold to create a badge, or at least a reasonable facsimile of
one? Well, here's a pretty big hint: what material that we have found in our travels thus far could
we fill the mold with to form a badge? We might have to melt this material.
If you can't figure it out, here's how you go about creating the Aithery File seal:
Click here to show/hide procedure
> find aithery file mold
> take it
> find lead rod
> take it
> create fire-resistance
> go to kiln
> drink fire-resistance
> put mold in kiln
> put lead rod on mold
> take aithery file seal
And then: Click here to find show/hide what's inside the Deck Suite cabinet
> go to deck suite
> touch lock with aithery file seal
> open cabinet
> take folded sheet
The paper has a description of two vowel-heavy formulae, the Mediate Anima and the Relative
Anima. Both are concerned with relations between moving objects.
You memorize the information, including the two formulae. You also pick up the sheet. Just in
> take ripped sheet
derives from the Subcontinent, but we translate it into European terms.) Create an anchored
(Saturnine) environment. Place any common bit of stone into the bound, and invoke a simple
sealing. Add a resinous note to the atmosphere; speak a word of essential nature; add a measure
of Gaian precipitate. Conclude with the Binding of the Celestial Sphere, to align the alchemical
axis (Earth-Saturn, low-high) with the mundane axis of gravitation."
to the main walkthrough